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First Trial Class will be free (Duration 50 minutes)

Package 1: Services in the Center

Base Pricing for Daily Plan (3 hours)

  • Hourly Rate: $9 per hour
  • Daily Rate: $27 (3 hours x $9)

Total Pricing Structure

  1. Daily Rate: $27
  2. Weekly Rate: $120 (approx. $24/day, 5 days a week, slight discount)
  3. Monthly Rate: $450 (approx. $22.50/day, 4 weeks, further discount)
Package 2: Services in the Center Plus at Home

Additional Tutoring Services

  • Extra Tutoring/Email Checking / Homework Help: $9 per hour
  • Reinforcement of Concepts Outside Daily Plan: $9 per hour

Pricing Structure with Additional Services

  1. Hourly Rate: $9 (for additional services)
  2. Daily Rate: $27 (base 3-hour plan) + $9 per additional hour
  3. Weekly Rate: $150 (base 3-hour plan, 5 days) + 5 additional hours ($9/hour) = $150
  4. Monthly Rate: $540 (base 3-hour plan, 4 weeks) + 10 additional hours per week ($9/hour) = $540
Package 3: Base Tutoring (from home)

Base Pricing for Daily Plan (3 hours)

  • Hourly Rate: $12 per hour
  • Daily Rate: $36 (3 hours x $12)

Total Pricing Structure

  1. Daily Rate: $36
  2. Weekly Rate: $160 (approx. $32/day, 5 days a week, slight discount)
  3. Monthly Rate: $600 (approx. $30/day, 4 weeks, further discount)
Package 4: Base Tutoring Plus Additional Support (from home)

Additional Tutoring Services

  • Extra Tutoring/Email Checking / Homework Help: $12 per hour
  • Reinforcement of Concepts Outside Daily Plan: $12 per hour

Pricing Structure with Additional Services

  1. Hourly Rate: $12 (for additional services)
  2. Daily Rate: $36 (base 3-hour plan) + $12 per additional hour
  3. Weekly Rate: $160 (base 3-hour plan) + 5 additional hours ($12/hour) = $220 (5% discount on additional hours)
  4. Monthly Rate: $600 (base 3-hour plan) + 10 additional hours per week ($12/hour) = $1032 (10% discount on additional hours)